SoundForest.org Directors Dan Platter and Thomas Solinsky
October 21st SoundForest thanks volunteers for helping plant 30 trees on 11th and Archer!
October 1st SoundForest thanks volunteers for helping plant 10 trees on in Shelby Bottoms Park!
August 1st Huge Thanks to Rober Atkins who planted 40 trees in Ashland city including Dogwood, Cherry, Elm, Hawthron, Crabapple, Ash, Magnolia, Maple, Scarlett Oak, Peach, Poplar, Blackgum, and Redbud!
July 11th Nashville Tour de Fat photos. Photo Booth | Facebook | Share yours
July 9th Thanks to everyone who joined us at the first Tour de Fat in Nashville where over 600 riders and 1,700 people raised over $14,000 for local bicycle advocacy groups!
July 7th New Belgium Brewery Arrives in Nashville for Tour de Fat! Transported trees by bike and planted with the crew! Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6753
July 3rd Seven Bridges Rode Road Ride. First of our Sunday Night Ride Series. Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6747
June 20th Steve and Amanda Austin plant 29 trees in Vine Grove! Huge thanks for the effort to plant Black Walnut, Redbud, Red Maple, Sasafrass, Birch, Dogwood, Cypress, and Chestnut! Vine Grove, KY TREE COUNT: 6747
June 11th SoundForest.org begins installing the first PedalPost Bike Racks! SoundForest.org is donating 10 bike racks to the city of Nashville in hopes of creating a more bike friendly community. Village Pub Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6717
May 27th We've been very busy planting trees! Fruit trees in East Nashville, Yard trees all over Nashville, Mulching, Tree Maintenance, building bike racks, and much more. We'll update with details soon! Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6715
April 10th SoundForest.org plants fruit trees at Hillsboro High-School to increase their school orchard. TREE COUNT: 6384
April 7th SoundForest.org plants fruit trees at West End Middle School to create a school orchard. TREE COUNT: 6379
April 3rd SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 275 trees at Bells Bend Park with donations made by Walls Need Love! Trees species include Black Willow, Sweetgum, and dogwood. A huge thanks to Walls need love for their donation! A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 6361 March 26th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 700 trees at Bells Bend Park. Trees species include Black Willow, Sweetgum, and Sassafras. A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 6043
March 17th Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the Women’s Hospital at Centennial Medical Center is “going green” today by making an investment in the environment. All babies born this week will receive a “Go Green” onesie, and a tree will be planted in their name to commemorate the start of a new life with new growth.
Centennial Medical Center is partnering with SoundForest.org to plant trees in the Nashville area in order to positively impact the planet for generations to come. Bells Bend Park will be home to the donated trees, which will help restore nature’s ability to filter water run-off before it washes chemicals and silt into neighboring creeks and rivers.
“We want to make a lasting investment in our planet by donating a tree in these babies’ names,” said Joann Ettien, Administrator of the Women’s Hospital at Centennial. “By ‘going green’ this St. Patrick’s Day, we hope to promote sustainability and conservation in Nashville, while giving these parents a long-lasting gift to commemorate the birth of their child.”
March 12th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 7 Witch Hazel trees at Bells Bend Park Outdoor Center. A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 5309
March 11th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant apple trees at Whitsitt elementry school in Nashville TN. These trees will produce fruit on site for the students of this great school! TREE COUNT: 5298
March 6th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 400 trees at Bells Bend Park. A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause. Tree species include Sassafras, Sweetgum, and Black Willow. TREE COUNT: 5280
February 26th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 250 trees at Bells Bend Park. A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause. Tree species include Sassafras, Sweetgum, Tulip Poplar, and Buttonbush. TREE COUNT: 4880
February 20th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 28 trees at Sevier park. Thanks to 12 south taproom employees for their kind donations! A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause and donating allowing us to plant 20 additional trees at the park. Tree species include serviceberry, redbud, dogwood, and white oak. Tree species include serviceberry, redbud, dogwood, and white oak. TREE COUNT: 4625
February 18th Special thanks to Walls Need Love for their continued support. SoundForest.org is restocking on much needed supplies! Finally we are able to purchase some new shovels, potting soil, landscaping material, and even some stickers. Whoo Hooo! TREE COUNT: 4590
February 4th SoundForest.org completes project planting 55 trees for the Belmont Hillsboro Neighborhood. TREE COUNT: 4586
January 20th SoundForest.org plants 11 beech trees on private land bordering Radnor Lake! Thanks Cumberland Transit for donating and continued support. TREE COUNT: 4560
January 19th SoundForest.org plants 5 additional London Plane trees in the Median of Magnolia Blvd. brining the total tree count to 20 in the center strip! Thanks to the Hillsboro Village Merchants for their support in planting these trees! Trees were also planted along 15th ave. south and Linden in Nashville! TREE COUNT: 4544
January 14th | Bells Bend, Nashville, TN SoundForest.org plants 14 trees at the Bells Bend Nature center. SoundForest.org met with Metro Parks to discuss future plans to enhance the 808 acre park. We surveyed the park and finalized plans to enhance riparian zone planting areas! Following the meeting 9 Sycamore and 5 Red Maple were planted near the Nature center. TREE COUNT: 4531
January 08th SoundForest.org completes planting 7 trees on Fairfax ave. 7 American Elm were planted on Fairfax just west of Hillsboro Village. Thanks to HWEN (Hillsboro Westend Neighborhood)! TREE COUNT: 4517
January 08th SoundForest.org completes planting 8 trees in Primrose circle as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. 4 Linden and 4 Sweetgum trees have been planted in the center of the street to create a park-like setting TREE COUNT: 4510
January 07th SoundForest.org plants 10 London Plane trees on Gale Ln and 3 Bur Oak on 19th and Magnolia as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. TREE COUNT: 4502
December 31st SoundForest.org plants 12 more trees on Magnolia Blvd. In partnership with the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council and Yellowtail wine SoundForest.org has planted 10 Magnolia trees and 2 Tulip Poplar (magnolia family) along Magnolia Blvd between 18th and 21st. TREE COUNT: 4485
December 21st SoundForest.org completes planting 14 trees in East Nashville near 5 points. Trees include Serviceberry, Foster Holly, Northern Red Oak, American Linden, Witch Hazel, and Hornbeam. TREE COUNT: 4474
December 20th SoundForest.org completes planting 10 Linden Trees on 20th Ave in Nashville as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. TREE COUNT: 4463
December 18th | Dickson County, TN SoundForest.org works with Anderson Tree Service to plant over 40 trees in Dickson County. Trees include Willow Oak, Blackgum, Bur Oak, and a variety of Fruit trees. TREE COUNT: 4454
December 17th SoundForest.org completes planting 18 trees at Hillsboro High-school! 4 River Birch, 6 Serviceberry, 1 Honey Locust, 2 Ginkgo, 2 Redbud, 1 Crabapple, 2 Pear. TREE COUNT: 4414
December 16th | Hohenwald, TN SoundForest.org begins planting trees at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennesse. The nations largest Elephant Sanctuary. You can plant a tree to help feed an elephant! visit the soundforest.org store now. TREE COUNT: 4394
December 9th | Nashville, TN
Big thanks to Get Green to Get Green and Lightning 100 Live on the Green for the donation to help plant 20 trees. Old cell phones were collected at the Live on the Green concert series, cash was generated, and now SoundForest.org is planting trees. Thanks to all who recycled their phones!
December 5th SoundForest InfanTREE begin planting 4 of the 20 trees at Hillsboro High School as part of the SoundForest SoundSchool project.
December 5th SoundForest InfanTREE remove asphalt from the Frothy Monkey Coffee Shop parking lot and plant a 12 ft Honey Locust to provide shade in the summer. This is an ongoing effort to reduce reflective heat from the sun and reduce air conditioning during the hot summer months.
December 4th SoundForest InfanTREE plant 11 trees on Blair Blvd. Including 8 Ginkgo, Juneberry, and Plum.
December 1st SoundForest InfanTREE plant 14 trees in the Belmont Hillsboro Neighborhood including American Elm, American Linden, Sweetgum, and London Plane trees.
November 21st SoundForest InfanTREE plant 35 Fruit Trees at Shepherd's Green Potbelly Pig Sanctuary.
November 15th | Nashville, TN
SoundForest.org worked closely with students of Glencliff High School to plant 12 fruit trees! In addition to their SoundSchool nursery the school now boasts apple, pear, and peach trees which will produce fruit next year! Glencliff has a great compost system along with an amazing vegetable garden.
June 18th | Bells Bend, TN
SoundForest.org partners up with volunteers from the Discovery Channel. As part of the 25th Anniversary of Discovery volunteers came to the aid of SoundForest.org to help the environment. Thanks Discovery!!!
June 14th | Seattle, WA
SoundForest.org partners up with EarthCorps to plant trees in the Seattle area. SoundForest.org TreeShirts sales have been planted by EarthCorps! Thanks guys! And if you want to volunteer in the Seattle area this fall, let us know. We'll be working on projects with EarthCorps and can use your help.
May 29 - 31 | The Gorge, WA
SoundForest.org teams up with eSurance and sets up booth at Sasquatch Music Festival.
April 06, 09, 12, 14, 15 | Nashville, TN
SoundSchool nurseries planted by infanTREE students!
Oasis Center Click for Pics
Glencliff High School Click for Pics
Eakin Elementary Click For Pics
February 25th - 28th | Bells Bend, TN
Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out at Bells Bend this week! Volunteer InfanTREE helped continue planting trees and remove invasive plant species in our re-forestation effort! Special thanks to Hands on Nashville for their volunteer TREEcruiting efforts.
February 19th - 21st | Bells Bend, TN
Special thanks to the 50 plus volunteers that helped plant trees at Bells Bend this weekend! Volunteer InfanTREE members included families that signed up through Hands On Nashville's give a day, get a day. We also had an awesome group from Humana.
February 14th - Bells Bend, TN
SoundForest.org founder Thomas Solinsky led 100 volunteers planting trees and clearing invasive underbrush along the Cumberland River in Bells Bend Park. InfanTREE members planted 1,100 native hardwood saplings and another 400 in pots, establishing a nursery to supply trees for other parks and neighborhoods in the future.
"These trees will have a positive effect on Nashville and our planet for generations."
Planting native species in riparian zones like Bells Bend Park restores nature's ability to filter water run-off before it washes chemicals and silt into our creeks and rivers. Trees filter the air we breathe, prevent erosion and have so many other benefits besides the beauty they bring back to modern life in urban areas.
A variety of trees were planted that will also provide food and habitat for area birds, bees and other wildlife. The selection at Bells Bend Park includes Tupelo, Tulip Poplar, White Oak, Yellow Wood, Shadberry, and redbud.
"We've already partnered with some great local organizations like the Cumberland River Compact and gotten volunteers and donations through a number of entrepreneurs who are dedicated to giving back to the community," said Solinsky. "I'd like to help some of the bigger Nashville-based companies establish a green legacy that continues to do more and more every year."
February 13th - Brentwood, TN
SoundForest.org launches the first SoundSchools program. SoundForest.org assists Brentwood High School students in creating a nursery and planting 60 trees! Six species of trees were planted including Overcup Oak, White Oak, Bald Cypress, Tulip Poplar, Virginia Pine, and Tupelo. Eventually these trees can be used to plant on the school campus, sold to raise money for the Eco-Club, or gifted to low income neighborhoods.
February 12th - Bells Bend, TN
20 volunteers help SoundForest.org plant 300 trees at Bells Bend Park in our Riparian Restoration Project. This planting was followed by SoundForest.org InfanTREE helping to plant the 4 acre restoration area.
The riparian zone refers to the border of moist soils and plants that exist next to a body of water. The riparian zone can be composed of gently sloping shores, steep banks, or other types of terrain. Permanent plant species such as trees and shrub communities and specialized grasses and forbs grow in should be growing in these areas. These plant species, in turn, provide food and shelter for the rich diversity of wildlife living along the riverbank.
The existence of riverside vegetation is important to the health of the species that live within the river. Specifically, this vegetation helps maintain a river's health by influencing the amount and kind of sediment in the river. Riverside vegetation does this by anchoring soil, catching silt, filtering out pollutants, and absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus. Such vegetation also helps provide shade that cools the water and provides habitat for insects and their predators.
The effect of too much sedimentation can be seen when vegetation along riverbanks is removed by flooding or other events. Sediment washes back into the water, causing turbidity. Turbidity occurs when sediment is stirred up and suspended in water, and in a river can impair the respiration of fish or other aquatic organisms. Turbid conditions can also cause sediment to cover gravel used for fish-spawning, raise the temperature of the water, and bury submerged plants.
Help stabilize your favorite stream bank today. Give to SoundForest.org to Plant More Trees!
January 27th - Kathmandu, Nepal
SoundForest.org InfanTREE volunteer Smitty Charles plants trees in Nepal. A very special thanks to him for his outreach efforts! He is pictured here with a Jamun tree.
January 20th - Lake Sammamish, WA
SoundForest.org partners with Mountains to Sound Greenway planting trees in Washington with the help of donations from Spokane's Blue Spark. The Blue Spark raised money to help plant trees in a campaign called Liquor for Limbs. They are continuing to raise money in hopes of planting more trees that will protect the fragile ecosystem surrounding Washtington's waterways. The trees planted are part of a riparian project. It is the goal to reintroduce spawning salmon to this area. Many of the streams and rivers in the basin are too warm to protect salmon, trout and other sensitive cold-water fish. The biological health of more than 80 percent of streams that run through cities and farms is severely compromised. Streams in the basin have a shortage of tree cover and streamside plants, hurting aquatic life by boosting water temperatures, erosion and water pollution.
December 20th - Nashville, TN
SoundForest.org Volunteer InfanTREE memebers plant trees as a gift to the Nashville Scene. Merry Twentyfithmas Nashville Scene! Today we planted trees to help bring a little nature to the city. This planting is part of the SoundForest.org and New Belgium "BrewerTree" project helping to revitalize urban conditions with some much needed natural elements.
December 5th - Eastern Washington, WA
Soundforest is working on an Eastern Washington farm to restore riparian and upland habitat on a small spring-fed valley. Years of aggressive cattle ranching have denuded all the native vegetation. Cuttings were taken from surviving willow and black cottonwood from the region. Resulting saplings have been planted in protected cells to prevent grazing from deer until they are established. Native ponderosa pines and douglas fir seedling have been grown from seed, as well as a few Oregon oaks trees, and have been treated in a similiar fashion. 50 trees have been planted so far and we plan on another 50 next year!!! It is our hope that these efforts will result in a great boon to a downstream trout fishery as we expect our habitat will invite colonization by native rainbow and cutthroat trout from Crab creek nearby.
October 21st SoundForest thanks volunteers for helping plant 30 trees on 11th and Archer!
October 1st SoundForest thanks volunteers for helping plant 10 trees on in Shelby Bottoms Park!
August 1st Huge Thanks to Rober Atkins who planted 40 trees in Ashland city including Dogwood, Cherry, Elm, Hawthron, Crabapple, Ash, Magnolia, Maple, Scarlett Oak, Peach, Poplar, Blackgum, and Redbud!
July 11th Nashville Tour de Fat photos. Photo Booth | Facebook | Share yours
July 9th Thanks to everyone who joined us at the first Tour de Fat in Nashville where over 600 riders and 1,700 people raised over $14,000 for local bicycle advocacy groups!
July 7th New Belgium Brewery Arrives in Nashville for Tour de Fat! Transported trees by bike and planted with the crew! Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6753
July 3rd Seven Bridges Rode Road Ride. First of our Sunday Night Ride Series. Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6747
June 20th Steve and Amanda Austin plant 29 trees in Vine Grove! Huge thanks for the effort to plant Black Walnut, Redbud, Red Maple, Sasafrass, Birch, Dogwood, Cypress, and Chestnut! Vine Grove, KY TREE COUNT: 6747
June 11th SoundForest.org begins installing the first PedalPost Bike Racks! SoundForest.org is donating 10 bike racks to the city of Nashville in hopes of creating a more bike friendly community. Village Pub Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6717
May 27th We've been very busy planting trees! Fruit trees in East Nashville, Yard trees all over Nashville, Mulching, Tree Maintenance, building bike racks, and much more. We'll update with details soon! Nashville, TN TREE COUNT: 6715
April 10th SoundForest.org plants fruit trees at Hillsboro High-School to increase their school orchard. TREE COUNT: 6384
April 7th SoundForest.org plants fruit trees at West End Middle School to create a school orchard. TREE COUNT: 6379
April 3rd SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 275 trees at Bells Bend Park with donations made by Walls Need Love! Trees species include Black Willow, Sweetgum, and dogwood. A huge thanks to Walls need love for their donation! A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 6361 March 26th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 700 trees at Bells Bend Park. Trees species include Black Willow, Sweetgum, and Sassafras. A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 6043
March 17th Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the Women’s Hospital at Centennial Medical Center is “going green” today by making an investment in the environment. All babies born this week will receive a “Go Green” onesie, and a tree will be planted in their name to commemorate the start of a new life with new growth.
Centennial Medical Center is partnering with SoundForest.org to plant trees in the Nashville area in order to positively impact the planet for generations to come. Bells Bend Park will be home to the donated trees, which will help restore nature’s ability to filter water run-off before it washes chemicals and silt into neighboring creeks and rivers.
“We want to make a lasting investment in our planet by donating a tree in these babies’ names,” said Joann Ettien, Administrator of the Women’s Hospital at Centennial. “By ‘going green’ this St. Patrick’s Day, we hope to promote sustainability and conservation in Nashville, while giving these parents a long-lasting gift to commemorate the birth of their child.”
March 12th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 7 Witch Hazel trees at Bells Bend Park Outdoor Center. A huge thanks to the volunteers that came out to support the cause. TREE COUNT: 5309
March 11th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant apple trees at Whitsitt elementry school in Nashville TN. These trees will produce fruit on site for the students of this great school! TREE COUNT: 5298
March 6th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 400 trees at Bells Bend Park. A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause. Tree species include Sassafras, Sweetgum, and Black Willow. TREE COUNT: 5280
February 26th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 250 trees at Bells Bend Park. A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause. Tree species include Sassafras, Sweetgum, Tulip Poplar, and Buttonbush. TREE COUNT: 4880
February 20th SoundForest.org InfanTREE plant 28 trees at Sevier park. Thanks to 12 south taproom employees for their kind donations! A huge thanks to New Belgium Brewery for helping out with the cause and donating allowing us to plant 20 additional trees at the park. Tree species include serviceberry, redbud, dogwood, and white oak. Tree species include serviceberry, redbud, dogwood, and white oak. TREE COUNT: 4625
February 18th Special thanks to Walls Need Love for their continued support. SoundForest.org is restocking on much needed supplies! Finally we are able to purchase some new shovels, potting soil, landscaping material, and even some stickers. Whoo Hooo! TREE COUNT: 4590
February 4th SoundForest.org completes project planting 55 trees for the Belmont Hillsboro Neighborhood. TREE COUNT: 4586
January 20th SoundForest.org plants 11 beech trees on private land bordering Radnor Lake! Thanks Cumberland Transit for donating and continued support. TREE COUNT: 4560
January 19th SoundForest.org plants 5 additional London Plane trees in the Median of Magnolia Blvd. brining the total tree count to 20 in the center strip! Thanks to the Hillsboro Village Merchants for their support in planting these trees! Trees were also planted along 15th ave. south and Linden in Nashville! TREE COUNT: 4544
January 14th | Bells Bend, Nashville, TN SoundForest.org plants 14 trees at the Bells Bend Nature center. SoundForest.org met with Metro Parks to discuss future plans to enhance the 808 acre park. We surveyed the park and finalized plans to enhance riparian zone planting areas! Following the meeting 9 Sycamore and 5 Red Maple were planted near the Nature center. TREE COUNT: 4531
January 08th SoundForest.org completes planting 7 trees on Fairfax ave. 7 American Elm were planted on Fairfax just west of Hillsboro Village. Thanks to HWEN (Hillsboro Westend Neighborhood)! TREE COUNT: 4517
January 08th SoundForest.org completes planting 8 trees in Primrose circle as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. 4 Linden and 4 Sweetgum trees have been planted in the center of the street to create a park-like setting TREE COUNT: 4510
January 07th SoundForest.org plants 10 London Plane trees on Gale Ln and 3 Bur Oak on 19th and Magnolia as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. TREE COUNT: 4502
December 31st SoundForest.org plants 12 more trees on Magnolia Blvd. In partnership with the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council and Yellowtail wine SoundForest.org has planted 10 Magnolia trees and 2 Tulip Poplar (magnolia family) along Magnolia Blvd between 18th and 21st. TREE COUNT: 4485
December 21st SoundForest.org completes planting 14 trees in East Nashville near 5 points. Trees include Serviceberry, Foster Holly, Northern Red Oak, American Linden, Witch Hazel, and Hornbeam. TREE COUNT: 4474
December 20th SoundForest.org completes planting 10 Linden Trees on 20th Ave in Nashville as part of the Belmont Hillsboro Community Canopy planting project. TREE COUNT: 4463
December 18th | Dickson County, TN SoundForest.org works with Anderson Tree Service to plant over 40 trees in Dickson County. Trees include Willow Oak, Blackgum, Bur Oak, and a variety of Fruit trees. TREE COUNT: 4454
December 17th SoundForest.org completes planting 18 trees at Hillsboro High-school! 4 River Birch, 6 Serviceberry, 1 Honey Locust, 2 Ginkgo, 2 Redbud, 1 Crabapple, 2 Pear. TREE COUNT: 4414
December 16th | Hohenwald, TN SoundForest.org begins planting trees at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennesse. The nations largest Elephant Sanctuary. You can plant a tree to help feed an elephant! visit the soundforest.org store now. TREE COUNT: 4394
December 9th | Nashville, TN
Big thanks to Get Green to Get Green and Lightning 100 Live on the Green for the donation to help plant 20 trees. Old cell phones were collected at the Live on the Green concert series, cash was generated, and now SoundForest.org is planting trees. Thanks to all who recycled their phones!
December 5th SoundForest InfanTREE begin planting 4 of the 20 trees at Hillsboro High School as part of the SoundForest SoundSchool project.
December 5th SoundForest InfanTREE remove asphalt from the Frothy Monkey Coffee Shop parking lot and plant a 12 ft Honey Locust to provide shade in the summer. This is an ongoing effort to reduce reflective heat from the sun and reduce air conditioning during the hot summer months.
December 4th SoundForest InfanTREE plant 11 trees on Blair Blvd. Including 8 Ginkgo, Juneberry, and Plum.
December 1st SoundForest InfanTREE plant 14 trees in the Belmont Hillsboro Neighborhood including American Elm, American Linden, Sweetgum, and London Plane trees.
November 21st SoundForest InfanTREE plant 35 Fruit Trees at Shepherd's Green Potbelly Pig Sanctuary.
November 15th | Nashville, TN
SoundForest.org worked closely with students of Glencliff High School to plant 12 fruit trees! In addition to their SoundSchool nursery the school now boasts apple, pear, and peach trees which will produce fruit next year! Glencliff has a great compost system along with an amazing vegetable garden.
June 18th | Bells Bend, TN
SoundForest.org partners up with volunteers from the Discovery Channel. As part of the 25th Anniversary of Discovery volunteers came to the aid of SoundForest.org to help the environment. Thanks Discovery!!!
June 14th | Seattle, WA
SoundForest.org partners up with EarthCorps to plant trees in the Seattle area. SoundForest.org TreeShirts sales have been planted by EarthCorps! Thanks guys! And if you want to volunteer in the Seattle area this fall, let us know. We'll be working on projects with EarthCorps and can use your help.
May 29 - 31 | The Gorge, WA
SoundForest.org teams up with eSurance and sets up booth at Sasquatch Music Festival.
April 06, 09, 12, 14, 15 | Nashville, TN
SoundSchool nurseries planted by infanTREE students!
Oasis Center Click for Pics
Glencliff High School Click for Pics
Eakin Elementary Click For Pics
February 25th - 28th | Bells Bend, TN
Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out at Bells Bend this week! Volunteer InfanTREE helped continue planting trees and remove invasive plant species in our re-forestation effort! Special thanks to Hands on Nashville for their volunteer TREEcruiting efforts.
February 19th - 21st | Bells Bend, TN
Special thanks to the 50 plus volunteers that helped plant trees at Bells Bend this weekend! Volunteer InfanTREE members included families that signed up through Hands On Nashville's give a day, get a day. We also had an awesome group from Humana.
February 14th - Bells Bend, TN
SoundForest.org founder Thomas Solinsky led 100 volunteers planting trees and clearing invasive underbrush along the Cumberland River in Bells Bend Park. InfanTREE members planted 1,100 native hardwood saplings and another 400 in pots, establishing a nursery to supply trees for other parks and neighborhoods in the future.
"These trees will have a positive effect on Nashville and our planet for generations."
Planting native species in riparian zones like Bells Bend Park restores nature's ability to filter water run-off before it washes chemicals and silt into our creeks and rivers. Trees filter the air we breathe, prevent erosion and have so many other benefits besides the beauty they bring back to modern life in urban areas.
A variety of trees were planted that will also provide food and habitat for area birds, bees and other wildlife. The selection at Bells Bend Park includes Tupelo, Tulip Poplar, White Oak, Yellow Wood, Shadberry, and redbud.
"We've already partnered with some great local organizations like the Cumberland River Compact and gotten volunteers and donations through a number of entrepreneurs who are dedicated to giving back to the community," said Solinsky. "I'd like to help some of the bigger Nashville-based companies establish a green legacy that continues to do more and more every year."
February 13th - Brentwood, TN
SoundForest.org launches the first SoundSchools program. SoundForest.org assists Brentwood High School students in creating a nursery and planting 60 trees! Six species of trees were planted including Overcup Oak, White Oak, Bald Cypress, Tulip Poplar, Virginia Pine, and Tupelo. Eventually these trees can be used to plant on the school campus, sold to raise money for the Eco-Club, or gifted to low income neighborhoods.
February 12th - Bells Bend, TN
20 volunteers help SoundForest.org plant 300 trees at Bells Bend Park in our Riparian Restoration Project. This planting was followed by SoundForest.org InfanTREE helping to plant the 4 acre restoration area.
The riparian zone refers to the border of moist soils and plants that exist next to a body of water. The riparian zone can be composed of gently sloping shores, steep banks, or other types of terrain. Permanent plant species such as trees and shrub communities and specialized grasses and forbs grow in should be growing in these areas. These plant species, in turn, provide food and shelter for the rich diversity of wildlife living along the riverbank.
The existence of riverside vegetation is important to the health of the species that live within the river. Specifically, this vegetation helps maintain a river's health by influencing the amount and kind of sediment in the river. Riverside vegetation does this by anchoring soil, catching silt, filtering out pollutants, and absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus. Such vegetation also helps provide shade that cools the water and provides habitat for insects and their predators.
The effect of too much sedimentation can be seen when vegetation along riverbanks is removed by flooding or other events. Sediment washes back into the water, causing turbidity. Turbidity occurs when sediment is stirred up and suspended in water, and in a river can impair the respiration of fish or other aquatic organisms. Turbid conditions can also cause sediment to cover gravel used for fish-spawning, raise the temperature of the water, and bury submerged plants.
Help stabilize your favorite stream bank today. Give to SoundForest.org to Plant More Trees!
January 27th - Kathmandu, Nepal
SoundForest.org InfanTREE volunteer Smitty Charles plants trees in Nepal. A very special thanks to him for his outreach efforts! He is pictured here with a Jamun tree.
January 20th - Lake Sammamish, WA
SoundForest.org partners with Mountains to Sound Greenway planting trees in Washington with the help of donations from Spokane's Blue Spark. The Blue Spark raised money to help plant trees in a campaign called Liquor for Limbs. They are continuing to raise money in hopes of planting more trees that will protect the fragile ecosystem surrounding Washtington's waterways. The trees planted are part of a riparian project. It is the goal to reintroduce spawning salmon to this area. Many of the streams and rivers in the basin are too warm to protect salmon, trout and other sensitive cold-water fish. The biological health of more than 80 percent of streams that run through cities and farms is severely compromised. Streams in the basin have a shortage of tree cover and streamside plants, hurting aquatic life by boosting water temperatures, erosion and water pollution.
December 20th - Nashville, TN
SoundForest.org Volunteer InfanTREE memebers plant trees as a gift to the Nashville Scene. Merry Twentyfithmas Nashville Scene! Today we planted trees to help bring a little nature to the city. This planting is part of the SoundForest.org and New Belgium "BrewerTree" project helping to revitalize urban conditions with some much needed natural elements.
December 5th - Eastern Washington, WA
Soundforest is working on an Eastern Washington farm to restore riparian and upland habitat on a small spring-fed valley. Years of aggressive cattle ranching have denuded all the native vegetation. Cuttings were taken from surviving willow and black cottonwood from the region. Resulting saplings have been planted in protected cells to prevent grazing from deer until they are established. Native ponderosa pines and douglas fir seedling have been grown from seed, as well as a few Oregon oaks trees, and have been treated in a similiar fashion. 50 trees have been planted so far and we plan on another 50 next year!!! It is our hope that these efforts will result in a great boon to a downstream trout fishery as we expect our habitat will invite colonization by native rainbow and cutthroat trout from Crab creek nearby.