By Dan Platter
Wanna Help the Planet? Help Plant it!
SOUNDFOREST.ORG has a pointed mission to plant the largest, most appealing and most valuable tree in every location possible. This often means growing hard-to-find native trees not commonly sold in nurseries. Big Box hardware stores (eg. Home Depot - Lowes) often times supply canopy trees with one purpose – to be grown quickly, cheaply and make more money. We believe more thought should go into planting trees!
All of the trees here at Oak Grove either sprouted as volunteers, were purchased in local nurseries, or were collected in nearby woods as acorns. The exception being the “specimens” which were acquired as acorns in California, Oregon, Arkansas, and Tennessee. They were chosen for wildlife value, drought tolerance, fall color, disease resistance, ability to attain great age, and for their grace. We are also planting some trees mirrored in the community as large old trees left over from farming days.
In the past people planted trees that offered the highest value for people yet to live in the future. A few of these can be seen on Courtney Avenue as you drive from here toward McGlaughlin…. you will notice three huge oaks on the left side of the road. They are burr oaks in front of the apartments and then a mighty white oak on the next corner. Rest assured we are planting some of these same tree species along with our magnificent, native, Oregon oaks!
Mexico and the Southeastern United States have the highest oak diversity on the Planet. California and Oregon follow close and share in this diversity, as we have 35 species (not bad for places known for their conifers).
We believe planting trees here on this school is of the highest priority as it is the least likely place to get developed or subdivided in the future, and hence these trees may one day become OLD. One could make a whole day of it walking the grounds of Cambridge or Princeton (or many higher education universities) just for their ancient arboretums. Here in Oak Grove we are focusing on oaks. Oaks and their common companions live to be very old, many hundreds of years, in fact. Oaks have been venerated for eons…. we have a great name for ourselves here in Oak Grove.
Soundforest.org hopes you enjoy your Earth-day.
Remember, Wanna Help the Planet? Help Plant it!
Wanna Help the Planet? Help Plant it!
SOUNDFOREST.ORG has a pointed mission to plant the largest, most appealing and most valuable tree in every location possible. This often means growing hard-to-find native trees not commonly sold in nurseries. Big Box hardware stores (eg. Home Depot - Lowes) often times supply canopy trees with one purpose – to be grown quickly, cheaply and make more money. We believe more thought should go into planting trees!
All of the trees here at Oak Grove either sprouted as volunteers, were purchased in local nurseries, or were collected in nearby woods as acorns. The exception being the “specimens” which were acquired as acorns in California, Oregon, Arkansas, and Tennessee. They were chosen for wildlife value, drought tolerance, fall color, disease resistance, ability to attain great age, and for their grace. We are also planting some trees mirrored in the community as large old trees left over from farming days.
In the past people planted trees that offered the highest value for people yet to live in the future. A few of these can be seen on Courtney Avenue as you drive from here toward McGlaughlin…. you will notice three huge oaks on the left side of the road. They are burr oaks in front of the apartments and then a mighty white oak on the next corner. Rest assured we are planting some of these same tree species along with our magnificent, native, Oregon oaks!
Mexico and the Southeastern United States have the highest oak diversity on the Planet. California and Oregon follow close and share in this diversity, as we have 35 species (not bad for places known for their conifers).
We believe planting trees here on this school is of the highest priority as it is the least likely place to get developed or subdivided in the future, and hence these trees may one day become OLD. One could make a whole day of it walking the grounds of Cambridge or Princeton (or many higher education universities) just for their ancient arboretums. Here in Oak Grove we are focusing on oaks. Oaks and their common companions live to be very old, many hundreds of years, in fact. Oaks have been venerated for eons…. we have a great name for ourselves here in Oak Grove.
Soundforest.org hopes you enjoy your Earth-day.
Remember, Wanna Help the Planet? Help Plant it!