Catalog Number - Date - Tree Type - Locations - Reason
14957 to 14708- 10/31/12 Mill Creek riparian buffer project
14707 to 14695 - 10/27/12 Hands on Nashville Paw Paw, Cherry, Ginkgo, Linden, Plum
14694 to 14689 - 10/10/12 Redbuds by Chris Sweeney
14687 to 10688 - 9/10/12 Nicaragua restoration project "Beer For Branches" Melrose Pub
10689 - 04/24/12 White Oak for G. D. Huddlesoton Nashville TN
10688 to 10687 04/24/12 Smooth Sumac Sevier Park Nashville
10686 - 04/24/12 Ginkgo Sevier Park Nashville For Alice Crafts SoundForest Gold Leaf Giver
10685 to 10679 04/24/12 fig, redbud, plum, ginkgo Office of Walls Need Love
14707 to 14695 - 10/27/12 Hands on Nashville Paw Paw, Cherry, Ginkgo, Linden, Plum
14694 to 14689 - 10/10/12 Redbuds by Chris Sweeney
14687 to 10688 - 9/10/12 Nicaragua restoration project "Beer For Branches" Melrose Pub
10689 - 04/24/12 White Oak for G. D. Huddlesoton Nashville TN
10688 to 10687 04/24/12 Smooth Sumac Sevier Park Nashville
10686 - 04/24/12 Ginkgo Sevier Park Nashville For Alice Crafts SoundForest Gold Leaf Giver
10685 to 10679 04/24/12 fig, redbud, plum, ginkgo Office of Walls Need Love